Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Don't blink!

When my friends first started talking about Doctor Who I kind of felt bad for them.  I mean, they raved about this show that sounded really dumb.

One friend decided to share a specific episode with us at a girls night, so I had to sit through it.  Can you guess which episode is the most stand-alone?

A few years ago, Doctor Who started over.  Well, it had been on hiatus for like 20 years (with one TV movie in there somewhere), and it picked up like it had never been gone.  See, the genius of the show is that it can be rewritten in ways that most sci-fi shows can't.  Don't like the lead?  Write them out and put in a new one.  It's easy!

Can you tell I have now become a fan?  After watching the episode called "Blink" I found myself in a Netflix lull and devoured all of the "new" episodes.  I have now introduced many of my friends and family to the show and everyone but my sister is as obsessed as I am.  She still thinks it's just dumb.

Well, it is, but it's so much fun too!

Anyway, it's pretty much accepted amongst Doctor Who fans that the Weeping Angels are the best villains out of any TV show.  Man, they are creepy!  If you haven't seen the episode yet, do!  Best of all, do it alone at night and with your curtains open.  Gives me shivers even to contemplate it.

I was first inspired to make my own fan art by this little masterpiece: http://wich-crafts.blogspot.com/2011/03/dont-blink.html.  I have my own cheapo Barbie that I need to turn into a statue.

But after getting all the supplies, the Christmas season hit and I got distracted (that happens a LOT in this house - the distraction, not the Christmas thing, that would be weird).  And then I saw a little example of angel earrings in a craft magazine and my brain lit up.

This is what I've come up with:

I'm not going to claim that these are the Weeping Angels of Doctor Who fame.  I have no permission to do so and would absolutely not want to infringe on any copyrighted characters from that awesome BBC show.

But I will say that my flying lady statue earrings are kinda sad.  How's that?

I am selling these innocent-looking earrings - $8 can buy you a pair of crying ladies.

Contact me at handybyheather@gmail.com for information or requests.

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